Crown Singles

Pos Entry P W L D F A FD Points
1 Phil Carroll 13 9 0 4 38 14 24 22
2 Anthony Boyd 13 7 2 4 31 21 10 18
3 Ian Atterbury 13 6 2 5 32 20 12 17
4 Richard Henry 13 7 3 3 31 21 10 17
5 Steve Turner 13 5 2 6 30 22 8 16
6 Simon Turley 13 4 3 6 29 23 6 14
7 James Mawson 13 5 4 4 25 27 -2 14
8 Paul Brown 13 4 5 4 25 27 -2 12
9 Micky Welch 13 4 6 3 27 25 2 11
10 Marc Jones 13 3 5 5 23 29 -6 11
11 Neil Foster 13 5 8 0 23 29 -6 10
12 Steve Yardley 13 3 7 3 21 31 -10 9
13 Frank Cattell 13 2 9 2 17 35 -18 6
14 Adam Roberts 13 2 10 1 12 40 -28 5
Match 1 | 23 May 2024
Schedule Race To 4
Steve Yardley Steve Turner
Simon Turley Adam Roberts
Richard Henry Anthony Boyd
Paul Brown Neil Foster
James Mawson Frank Cattell
Ian Atterbury Marc Jones
Match 2 | 06 June 2024
Schedule Race To 4
Steve Yardley Simon Turley
Steve Turner Paul Brown
Richard Henry Neil Foster
Micky Welch Frank Cattell
James Mawson Ian Atterbury
Anthony Boyd Phil Carroll
Adam Roberts Marc Jones
Match 3 | 13 June 2024
Schedule Race To 4
Steve Turner Richard Henry
Phil Carroll Neil Foster
Paul Brown Steve Yardley
Ian Atterbury Micky Welch
Adam Roberts James Mawson
Match 1 | 20 June 2024
Schedule Race To 4
Phil Carroll Micky Welch
Match 4 | 20 June 2024
Schedule Race To 4
Simon Turley Paul Brown
Richard Henry Steve Yardley
Phil Carroll Steve Turner
Neil Foster Frank Cattell
Micky Welch Adam Roberts
James Mawson Marc Jones
Anthony Boyd Ian Atterbury
Match 3 | 27 June 2024
Schedule Race To 4
Marc Jones Simon Turley
Anthony Boyd Frank Cattell
Match 5 | 27 June 2024
Schedule Race To 4
Steve Turner Frank Cattell
Simon Turley James Mawson
Richard Henry Paul Brown
Phil Carroll Steve Yardley
Neil Foster Ian Atterbury
Micky Welch Marc Jones
Anthony Boyd Adam Roberts
Match 6 | 04 July 2024
Schedule Race To 4
Steve Turner Ian Atterbury
Simon Turley Richard Henry
Phil Carroll Paul Brown
Marc Jones Anthony Boyd
James Mawson Micky Welch
Frank Cattell Steve Yardley
Adam Roberts Neil Foster
Match 7 | 11 July 2024
Schedule Race To 4
Steve Turner Adam Roberts
Simon Turley Micky Welch
Phil Carroll Richard Henry
Paul Brown Frank Cattell
Marc Jones Neil Foster
Ian Atterbury Steve Yardley
Anthony Boyd James Mawson
Match 8 | 18 July 2024
Schedule Race To 4
Steve Yardley Adam Roberts
Steve Turner Marc Jones
Simon Turley Phil Carroll
Richard Henry Frank Cattell
Neil Foster James Mawson
Ian Atterbury Paul Brown
Anthony Boyd Micky Welch
Match 9 | 25 July 2024
Schedule Race To 4
Phil Carroll Frank Cattell
Paul Brown Adam Roberts
Micky Welch Neil Foster
Marc Jones Steve Yardley
James Mawson Steve Turner
Ian Atterbury Richard Henry
Anthony Boyd Simon Turley
Match 10 | 01 August 2024
Schedule Race To 4
Steve Turner Micky Welch
Simon Turley Frank Cattell
Richard Henry Adam Roberts
Phil Carroll Ian Atterbury
Marc Jones Paul Brown
James Mawson Steve Yardley
Anthony Boyd Neil Foster
Match 11 | 08 August 2024
Schedule Race To 4
Steve Yardley Micky Welch
Steve Turner Anthony Boyd
Richard Henry Marc Jones
Phil Carroll Adam Roberts
Neil Foster Simon Turley
James Mawson Paul Brown
Ian Atterbury Frank Cattell
Match 12 | 15 August 2024
Schedule Race To 4
Steve Turner Neil Foster
Richard Henry James Mawson
Phil Carroll Marc Jones
Micky Welch Paul Brown
Ian Atterbury Simon Turley
Frank Cattell Adam Roberts
Anthony Boyd Steve Yardley
Match 13 | 22 August 2024
Schedule Race To 4
Simon Turley Steve Turner
Richard Henry Micky Welch
Neil Foster Steve Yardley
Marc Jones Frank Cattell
James Mawson Phil Carroll
Ian Atterbury Adam Roberts
Anthony Boyd Paul Brown