Darren Stokes

Edit Details and Profile Picture

Career Statistics

League Comp Total
Singles Won 0 0 0
Singles Lost 0 0 0
Doubles Won 2 0 2
Doubles Lost 3 0 3
Break Dish 0 0 0
Reverse Dish 0 0 0
Lags Won 0 0 0
Lags Lost 0 0 0

Career Statistics

None Played
None Played
None Played


Team History
  • League Comp Total
    Singles Won 0 0 0
    Singles Lost 0 0 0
    Doubles Won 2 0 2
    Doubles Lost 3 0 3
    Break Dish 0 0 0
    Reverse Dish 0 0 0
    Lags Won 0 0 0
    Lags Lost 0 0 0
Trophy Cabinet
No trophies won yet
Match History
Thursday, 05 September 2024
Division 1 vs Welly Whackers
BDIPL (Test)
Autumn 2024

Thursday, 15 August 2024
Division 1 vs Welly Wonka
BDIPL (Test)
Autumn 2024

Thursday, 08 August 2024
Division 1 vs The Internationals
BDIPL (Test)
Autumn 2024

Thursday, 25 July 2024
Division 1 vs Ship Happened
BDIPL (Test)
Autumn 2024

Thursday, 18 July 2024
Division 1 vs Badgers in Wellies
BDIPL (Test)
Autumn 2024